Backup Generators

Never lose power again

Back it up.

A Backup Generator is a system that supplies backup power in the case of an outage by way of either natural gas or propane as a fuel source. They can come in a very wide array of sizes, from systems that are capable of powering an entire home or business, to ones that just keep the lights on or the refrigerator running.


How does it work?

A backup generator works with two major parts: the generator itself and a transfer switch. When the generator is engaged (when the power goes out), it will consume fuel (natural gas or propane) to provide electrical power to your home. When the outage ends, the generator goes back into standby, and you resume the use of utility power for your home.

Transfer switches are the real value, as they make swapping over to generator power either entirely automated (ideal for businesses and vacation homes), or as easy as flipping a switch.


How do I know what size generator I need?

Thats where we come in. We will work with you to determine what you require on an energy level to keep everything that matters running smoothly. We’ll take you step-by-step through the sizing process. When we’re done, you’ll have a good estimate of the right generator for your home or business.

Contact us.